Heart Dancing with a Horse

View More: http://haleykrusephotography.pass.us/lyncarpenterLyn Carpenter has an unusual profession – she is a certified life coach, but she uses horses to guide and heal her clients. It’s hard to believe, but when you hear her describe the incidents where the horses knew exactly what to do, your doubts will disappear.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Lyn and learn more about her passion for this work. I was impressed with her fierce desire to support women in mid-life.

Lyn is certified in the Equine Gestalt Method and firmly believes that horses heal and clean energetic blockages. She describes the process as “the horses take the pain and shame, and they don’t hold on to it. Instead, they drop it in the dirt.”

Lyn and her horses have helped women overcome trauma, abuse and even anxiety. Because of this work, unfinished business from the past was released so they can now live in the present moment.

After listening to this episode of Heart Dancing Radio, please visit Lyn’s website at  BlissfulHeartCoaching.com. Read the testimonials of women who have worked with her to grasp fully the depth of healing that has occurred. As one woman said, “Lyn helped me stand tall again.”

After learning about Lyn’s work, I was hit by a sudden realization.

Working with Lyn Carpenter is like Heart Dancing with a horse!

Mindful Focus – For Students in School and Students of Life

Mindful FocusMeditation

It’s the time of year when the specter of final exams is close enough to create a cloud of visceral fear that trails behind students. Test anxiety can grip the most dedicated scholar and ruin the end result of their month-long efforts.

When I was studying for the bar exam, I hit a wall of fear. I graduated from law school with respectable grades, had a great job at the firm I wanted and was ready to start my career. I had climbed the mountain and was ready to begin my next adventure.

But one thing stood in my way.

The Bar Exam. Just typing those words still causes my heart to race a tiny bit. It is a cruel joke on aspiring lawyers. Endure 3 years of law school, and you’re still not done. Graduate and receive your J.D. degree.

And you’re still not a lawyer.

The Bar Exam is the final hurdle. The last summit to conquer before you can practice law. You have a bit over two months to study (at least in my state), and you don’t know if you passed until four months later. You have already started your legal career, and your future career depends on passing. The first time.

To say that law graduates studying for the bar are under a bit of pressure is such an understatement I won’t even try to come up with an appropriate analogy.

Taking exams and staying calm under stress is an art and a science. When I was studying for the bar exam, I didn’t know how to stay centered, mindful and focused. I somehow managed to pass (Thank God).

I wish I knew then what I know now.

How Mindfulness and Meditation Can Help You Focus

According to Jon Kabat-Zin, generally considered to be the “father” of mindfulness in the West,

Mindfulness is the moment-to-moment, non-judgmental awareness, cultivated by paying attention in a specific way, that is, in the present moment, and as nonreactively, as non-judgmentally and open heartedly as possible.

When you practice being in the moment, then the next, and the next, your experience of the moment is at its peak. The past no longer exists, and the future has not yet arrived. All that is important is the here and now, which you experience without judgment.

Doesn’t that sound like a great way to live? Research studies have proven the physical, psychological and emotional benefits of mindfulness. Peace, calm, and compassion as just a few of the many ways that practicing mindfulness can change your life.

As a student, being mindful while you study can help you understand and remember the information. Setting the intention of focus, awareness, and memory before you study is the key. And the best way to do that is to listen to a guided meditation.

Meditation is one way to achieve mindfulness. By slowing down and watching your breath, you focus your attention on what is happening at this moment. Stress and anxiety cannot exist in this space. Your mind is clear, and when the meditation is over, that clarity will help you focus on the information you are learning.

It’s using your mind to improve your mind.

The Mindful Focus Meditation

Find a comfortable place to sit with your feet flat on the floor and your hands in your lap. Your back should be straight but loose. This meditation is less than 25 minutes, so give yourself about 30 minutes for the entire process. No interruptions (cell phones on mute, computer on mute) and no distractions.

Listen to this meditation in the morning as soon as you wake up. It will help you stay focused in class or when you are studying. If you listen again during the day or at night, it will ease anxiety and increase confidence in your ability to understand, remember and retain the information.

It’s just another step in the Heart Dance!

A New Way to Heart Dance

Instead of having guests on the Heart Dancing Radio Show, I decided to teach on various topics, using mindfulness concepts as a foundation. I also created guided meditations to support each lesson. The topics I chose to explore may seem random (money, fear of flying, and focus), but underneath each one lies a current of fear. And fear is what I want you to embrace and love.

As you dive deep into this information and incorporate the meditations into a daily practice, you will discover your interior world shifting and opening. You may also find that you are calmer, more peaceful and less reactive. Whatever the benefits are, please enjoy these next episodes made with my heart full of love and light.

Money Magic

The concept of money has been abused, judged and manipulated ever since it was first conceived. Money and power are forever linked together in cultural beliefs and patterns. Those with money have influence. Those without money are faceless and unimportant.

Where do you fall on the scale of money, importance and power? How does that make you feel about yourself? Are you afraid of money or what its disappearance could do to you?

I have had my own struggles with money and often fell into the trap of judging myself when my bank account balance was low. Punishing myself for my misdeeds (did I really need that pair of shoes) kept me from seeing the real issue I had with money. It was always based on fear and judgment.

Judgment and fear always cloud your view of yourself. Neither one helps you grow or evolve into a better person.

It wasn’t money’s fault that I indulged in buying impulsively. Just because my bank balance dipped dangerously low to being overdrawn wasn’t because of my lack of a making six figure income. Money was not treating me unfairly or shunning my efforts to become wealthy.

No matter how hard I tried to assign blame, it wasn’t money’s fault.

The outside forces that shaped my thoughts, beliefs and attitudes about money were just signposts on my journey. When I finally woke up and realized that the real journey happened in my interior world (shaped by my thoughts and beliefs), I regained my power of choice. From that point of power, I made different choices and changed my Money Story.

Fear is no longer an active force in my money relationship. I found another way to be with money and I want to share it with you.

The Power to Choose

When you look at your beliefs and attitudes about money, do they support your growth or encourage your fear? It is crucial that you identify what you believe so you can change them.

Cultural money myths and beliefs support the ideas of limitation, lack and competition. If you fail, fear becomes your companion. If you succeed, fear is still your shadow because you can always misstep. Money becomes the enemy and you are its victim.

There is a different way to be with money. Disregard the cultural myths around money and see it for what it is: ENERGY.

Money is simply the exchange of energy. When you use your debit card or cash to buy something, you are exchanging energy for something of value (which is also energy).

When you don’t have enough money for something you want, it’s because you don’t have that amount of energy to exchange. No guilt, shame or judgment. And definitely — NO FEAR!

If you want that thing badly enough, you’ll figure out a way to increase your energy levels to be able to enter into the exchange. Simple, right?

An easy way to remember that money = energy is this: MONEY is MOwn Natural Energy Yield. When you produce a service or product, that is your yield. When you pay with what you have produced, that is because of your yield. If your yield is less than what you want, then produce more. It’s all energy!

There is one more step in the process.

Mindfulness and Money 

Mindfulness is a way to reconnect with life by staying in the present moment. No judging. No expectation. Just pure and simple being.

Guided meditations clear the clutter of the mind, establish connection to a greater source and align your body, mind and spirit.

The combination of both of these practices, focused on the energy of money, creates a powerful synergy. Introducing: The Money Magic Meditation.

As you are guided into a deep place in yourself, you will see money from a new perspective.

This meditation should only be played when you are not driving or operating any kind of equipment. Ideally, you should be in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed for one hour. Have a journal or pad handy to make a note of the insights you receive during the meditation. What you may discover will surprise you!

Listen often and notice your beliefs and attitudes shift around the concepts of wealth and money. As you beliefs change, so will your actions. As you make different choices, your money story will grow and evolve. Almost like magic!

It’s just another step in the Heart Dance!

P.S. To learn more about me, please visit KathrynEriksen.com. Let’s dance together!

Can you Communicate this Way?

I didn’t know what to expect when I first met Joanna Hennon. She calls herself a Soul Wisdom Mentor and helps her clients communicate with their intuition. She channels her own wisdom as she guides her clients to discover their own. The end result is a life filled with joyful awareness, trust and inner wisdom.

Joanna Hennon

I have to admit…I was somewhat skeptical. Until I heard her describe her work. Then I was hooked. You can actually feel her joy!

Listen to our conversation and make your own decision about a life guided by intuition…or the ego. It’s another step in the Heart Dance:-)

Visit Joanna Hennon at CreateYourWorld.me.


In my work, I meet fascinating people who are helping others realize their happiness and bliss. In January, I met Miriam Castilla at an event and my life has not been the same.

Miriam is one of those effervescent women who light up the room. Her lovely voice, accented by an Aussie flair, is just one clue to who she is: a woman who has walked through hard times and not only survived, but thrived.Today's Woman

When she looked back over her life and realized how she created a life she loves, Miriam decided to write a book to share her insights with other women. Today’s Woman – Life Balance Secrets is the result, and it is powerful, practical and pragmatic.

Lean in now and listen to our conversation on Heart Dancing Radio, as we talk about life, love and Miriam’s two prong approach to living well.

Heart Dancing – it’s the only way to live! ❤


Mountains are Teachers

Mountains have been on my mind lately – probably because we just came back from a trip to Mt. Rainier in Washington State.

I actually devoted an entire Heart Dancing Radio show to what I learned during that trip.

Please give me feedback – was this 20 minutes useful? Did I give you any new ideas that perhaps made you think about something in your life a bit differently? Did you enjoy the show?

With the digital age, it gives us great freedom to express ourselves. I never thought I would host my own radio show (not in a million years!) But here I am, and I want to get better. So your feedback is very valuable to me.

Way of CreativeI truly am following the truth in myself, but what I don’t know is whether I am winning your heart???

Thank you, dear one, for sharing your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams and most importantly, your time.

I am honored to be here on the planet breathing the same air, hearing the wind and knowing that there is something bigger – for all of us!

Tonight is the Night

With the arrival of Spring, the Heart Dancing Radio Show has moved to a new day of the week. And a new time.

We are now broadcasting live on Sunday night, 8:00 p.m. cst.

(AwakenedRadio.net or the TuneIn app).

Tonight, I will share the third episode in the Heart Dancing Steps series. To remember how to live from your heart, not your head, there are certain concepts and steps to integrate into your life. Tonight, I will share the lyrics and the dance steps of Heart Dancing.

Please share your name and email address so you can be the first to know about my new program.

Email signupCan’t wait for you to join me in the dance!


Did you Listen?

Thank you for listening to the Heart Dancing Radio Show last night! Learning to listen to the music of your heart is easy when you know how. And the benefits are huge – loneliness, resentment, fear and doubt become things of your past. Your present is filled with love, joy and happiness. Acceptance of yourself and others is the new normal.

It’s such an easier way to live!

During the show, IFaceBook Group invited you to join the Heart Dancing FaceBook Group so we can continue to share, interact and learn from each other. When I woke up this morning, several people messaged me on Twitter and said that they couldn’t find the group.

I am so glad that they told me — otherwise, I never would have known and would have wondered why there was no response to the invitation.

This is a perfect example of how I could have filled in the blanks and created a negative story about my mission, the radio show, etc. I could have easily been “hooked” by my thoughts into a story that made me feel small, when the truth was something much simpler – that the link on FaceBook…for some reason…was not discoverable!

Thank you for your love and support. Let’s change the world, one heart at a time.

(If you missed the show, no worries. I will post the link later today in the HD FaceBook Group and on Twitter).

Music is Heart Language

DanceHave you ever been in a crummy mood and it changed instantly when you heard a great song?

Music speaks to your heart without words getting in the way.

Bonus:  I created a Heart Dancing Playlist! These are songs that speak to me, make me want to dance or that lift up my mood when I am having a bad moment.  What songs would you add that speak to your heart? Please let me know in the comments below.Email box

Do You Know Your Why?

Born andWhy

Wouldn’t answering the “Why” question in your life make a difference?

Would knowing that your value can never be destroyed change your perspective?

Would discovering your authentic voice make you feel seen?

All of this is possible – when you live from your heart and connect with your Source.

Don’t believe me?

Then please join me on Thursday, March 5, 2015 at 9:00 p.m. cst for the Heart Dancing Radio Show. (go to AwakenedRadio.net or use the TuneIn app to listen live).

Heart Dancing Steps is a brand new concept that will be introduced for the first time on the radio show. It is a life philosophy that leads you to your authentic self, one step at a time. I am going to share more information during the radio and you will have an opportunity to call in live and ask questions.

That is how we dance together – to the heartbeat of life!

To receive a free copy of the ebook that teaches the lessons in  more detail, please click here and share your email address.  After you share your best email, you will be included on the list to receive each lesson, as it is rolled out…before anyone else!

Aren’t you ready to discover why you are here?