Dance with Life

I believe that life is a dance and you are one of the partners. The other one…who you are dancing with…you can guess who that is. That all affirming energy that surrounds us, imbues us with love and supports our efforts to become more.

When you begin to make choices to dance, your life reflects those choices back to you.

Take a moment to listen to my interview with Julianna Ricci, the Energy Coach, as we visit about life, energy and dance.

The Way of the Creative

Way of CreativeWhat is the truth within you?

When you know the answer to that question…you know your purpose.

How do you discover the answer?  By peeling back the layers of limiting stories that block your light.

Even one ray of light can dissolve shadows.

Peel back one layer of stories and you let in the light. #StoryAlchemy

Prism of Color

I feel that I missed a color of life, something I should have seen, but cannot.A color just outside the prism of thoughts and beliefs that I know. My inner eye looks around my heart space and does not see it.

But it is there. I can feel it, waiting to burst forth into my awareness like Sun beams of light, stretch just over the edge of the earth to infinity.
Maybe I am the earth, blocking the light of infinity?
You see your life through the lens of your stories. They filter whatever is before you with the meaning you gave to past events. The parade of images inside the mind’s theater is triggered by external data or situations that are similar to what you experienced before. Until you change your stories, you will be blind to the opportunities that always lie before you, waiting to be seen.
To learn more, visit and share your email. In return, I will share my latest ebook about Story Alchemy, a simple process that can transform your pain stories.
From cloudy to clear.
So you see your life through a clean lens.
And be free from the tyranny of your limiting stories.


The following post is a shameless promotion of my latest book, Heart Dancing: A Story Alchemy Adventure.

I just published my interview on Smashwords and thought I would share it with you, my faithful blog followers. If you want to connect with me, please click on one (or more) of the links below. Isn’t it time to dance with life?FrontCoverSmall

Please join me in the Heart Dance:
Smashwords Interview:
Smashwords profile page: