What Makes You Come Alive?

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.  – Howard Thurman

It’s the year-end, and you may not be happy with how 2017 treated you. You may have started setting your goals for 2018, determined to have a better year.

Instead of being regretful, frustrated and angry at the world, why not try a different approach?21 Day Challenge

It’s the 21-Day Heart Dancing Challenge. Designed to help you create a daily mindfulness practice, it also will change your perspective on yourself, your life, and your place in the world.

Don’t believe me? Nothing I say will convince your intellect that a daily mindfulness practice brings more peace, happiness, and joy in your life. The skeptic in you will always resist. The cynic that loves to snicker at these concepts is probably having a field day right now.

I can’t fight your skeptical or cynical voices. They’re in your head, not mine.

What I can do is throw down a challenge. Join the 21-Day Heart Dancing Challenge, establish your daily practice of meditation, journaling, and intentional creation. If you have faithfully completed each day’s work, and you still don’t believe in the power of daily practice, I will publicly acknowledge that you were right.

On the other hand, if you find at the end of the challenge that you have changed and feel more alive, then we both win.

Do we have a deal?

Mind the Gap

When I was in London, England this past summer, we rode the tube to get to different parts of the city. When you enter from the street level, you had to take an elevator down several stories, then stairs to the proper platform. It was quite easy to navigate (since all the signs were in English) and a great way to get to different parts of the city.

The first time I stepped from the platform onto the train, an announcement was made to “Mind the Gap.” The British accent made the phrase seem rather quaint, and I really didn’t think much about it. But after I heard that announcement for the nth time, I finally realized that it meant so much more than being careful stepping over the gap between the platform and the train.

“Mind the Gap” is a great way to remind yourself to pay attention to your thoughts, and redirect them inside that gap between one thought and the next.

The gap between your thoughts is where your power lies to change your life!

You see, I am a Mindfulness teacher, author and speaker. The thread that ties all of my work together is this: we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Mindfulness reminds us to stay connected to the present moment, the only place where our beingness exists. From the present moment, we move forward authentically, guided by our intuition instead of old, limiting stories that may not be true.

To celebrate our ability to choose this moment to be happy, I have created daily mindfulness moments, called “Mind the Gap.” Won’t you join me in celebrating mindfulness, one day and one moment at a time?  Just click below 🙂Mind the Gap (3)

What Does An Actress Know About the LOA?

I have to share a quick story. I have been a student of positive psychology, mindfulness, and meditation for many years. Whenever someone would teach about the Law of Attraction, however, my mind immediately shut down, because it always seemed too good to be true.

I am supposed to see myself driving a brand new car and poof! It will be sitting in my garage? That seemed a bit of a stretch.

Someone forgot to place the order because my new Benz never showed up!

The visualization step would always trip me up. I was told to visualize my heart’s desire, feel as if it was already here, and step back into my world knowing that it was on its way.

But how do you energize your intentions with emotions that are authentic enough to communicate with the Universe?

Enter Jennifer Grace, stage right.

Jennifer discovered the missing ingredient, and she tells us about it during this 20-minute interview. Her background as a professional actress, her ability to clearly teach these concepts and her passion for sharing are almost tangible. Jennifer wrote Directing Your Destiny, and created a powerful 4 week course to show you how to become the writer, producer, and director of your dreams.

I became a student of Directing Your Destiny and had many “aha” moments. I felt so strongly about Directing Your Destiny that I became one of Jennifer’s first Certified Coaches in this material!

Jennifer was kind enough to appear on the Heart Dancing Radio Show and we had a great chat. She explains why she wrote Directing Your Destiny and the impact that teaching the course material has had on her students. Listen here to this great interview.

My next class starts on Sunday, January 14, 2018 and ends on February 4, 2018. We meet for one hour each week, and you are supported meditations, journal prompts and mindfulness tools. The process sounds deceptively simple, but if used consistently, will create changes in your life.

To learn more, please schedule a 15 minute interview with me to see if this class is a good fit.

Just go to: HeartDancingYourDestiny.AcuityScheduling.com

or check out the course description here: KathrynEriksen.com/heart-dancing-destiny.

It’s just another step in the Heart Dance.