You are a Miracle Worker (You Just Don’t Remember!)

Mirror Images“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.”     Albert Einstein

Miracles are mysterious, unexplainable and inspiring because of their shroud of supernatural power. A miracle is defined by Wikipedia as “an event of divine intervention.”  When I speak of “miracles,” I am not referring to Divine intervention or an interruption in the laws of nature.  No, I will leave those discussions to the theologians and philosophers. My mission is to help everyday people, living their everyday lives, learn how to use miracles to see themselves more clearly.

To me, a “miracle” is also a shift or change in perception.  It is because of that shift that unseen limits are removed, self-imposed bars are lifted and you are finally free to live your life the way you choose.  Instead of your life being governed by someone else’s standards, it is bracketed by your own.  The miracle happens when you remember who you are and what is important to you, and your decisions are based on those guideposts.

Every person alive on the planet has the ability to shift their perceptions and change the meaning that they have placed on events. The ability to shift perception to love and healing and away from limitation and anger is inate in all of us, waiting to be activated.  My mission is to help you activate your abilities to view yourself and your life in new ways that grow and expand your perceptions of your self and your world.

To learn more, please  visit website, and search for me as Messenger 110.  You will be taken to my webpage, where you fill find the video I created that explains more about why you are a miracle worker.  It is part of the “Are You a Messenger” project, which will ultimately end with 10 Messengers being filmed as part of a movie of the same name.

If you are inspired by my video, please vote for me or leave a comment.  Sharing the video message with your social network is also a great way to support the project and spread the message of empowerment and love.  It will also help remind others that they can change their lives by changing their thoughts about it.

What a miracle that would be!


Is Your Life a Miracle?

“There are two ways to live your life.  One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  — Albert Einstein

One of the most brilliant minds of all times clarified the choice we all must make, every moment we are awake and conscious.  This simple philosophy condenses millions of words, thoughts and ideas about the human condition into one question:  “How am I going to react to this?”

It is almost like a door that is always open before us.  We stand before the door questioning ourselves, our value and our purpose.  But we are still drawn inexplicably to what lies on the other side.  We cling to our physical sensations, memories of the past controlling our decisions today.  And still we are called to step through…

What lies on the other side of the door?  A spiritual connection to God. A sense of oneness with the Universe.  A joyful experience of ourselves as spiritual beings living in a physical world.  The knowledge that everything is a miracle.

So what are you going to chose today?  To see life as nothing, or everything?