How Powerful are Your Stories?

Stories are your version of neutral events that you tell yourself. They are the culmination of your past experiences, stories, beliefs and thoughts about a similar event. Stories are the filter that shifts millions of data bits and only allows those that match your story to enter your awareness.

Can you change your stories? Absolutely! Do you want to change your stories? Silence…

Awareness of stories is the first step. Evaluating whether that story stills serves you is next. When making the decision to change your story, you need a process.It's not what you look at that matters.

Story Alchemy™ to the rescue! Join my email list to receive the ebook on Story Alchemy that explains in greater detail how changing your stories can change your life.

As Henry David Thoreau so aptly observed, “It’s not what you look at that matters. It’s what you see.”

Do You Have an Open Mind?

Readers Muse just wrote an insightful review of Heart Dancing. As an author, it is sometimes difficult to read others’ words and opinions about your work.image

But I didn’t write Heart Dancing to be just a pleasant read. My overall motivation was to shake you, (the reader), awake to the enormous potential of your life and the choices you make in every moment.

Your reaction to the “shaking up” may be to set down the book and move on. And that is perfectly fine. It’s just not the right time for you. But if you can set aside your skepticism…a glimmer of “something more” may shine into your awareness.

Dhivya Balaji from Readers Muse got that point loud and clear. She cautions anyone who thinks this is just another “feel good” story, when she says, “Having an open mind while reading the book is essential for any reader to get through each chapter.”

Thank you Dhivya, for your honest and detailed review of Heart Dancing. It truly does depend on your perspective!

To learn more about my work, please visit I am hosting a Virtual Dance Party at the end of this month – the only way to learn more about it is to join my email list. Hope to see you there!

Beyond Fear Lies Freedom

The more important a call or action is to our soul’s evolution, the more Resistance we will feel towards pursuing it.

– Steven Pressfield, The War of Art

Yesterday, I danced with fear. Today, whenever I recall what I did yesterday, I say a silent “Thank you” and my gratitude continues to fuel tTwo people reaching out to each otherhe dance. Sounds crazy, but here is what happened.

At the time, I didn’t know that fear was my dance partner. I thought of it only as resistance. That feeling of facing a wall that blocks your progress. Of knowing the exact steps I need to take but finding and following every excuse in the world for not moving forward. The laundry needed to be finished and the house cleaned. Small errands became priority whenever I thought about the work that waited for me in my office.

I was running away from what I should have been running toward.

The project in question is no small matter. I have just re-branded myself and my website is about to be launched with a “Virtual Dance Party.” All of the pre-launch emails, social media images and graphics, as well as the hourly clues to be posted the day of launch had to be designed and created. And every time I thought about sitting down at my computer to create these items, I met Resistance.

The word is capitalized because I am also reading Steven Pressfield’s book on resistance called, The War of Art. He describes Resistance in its many forms and the parallels to my real life struggles became obvious. I met Resistance in all of its many forms and could finally identify each mutation for what it really was. Fear.

Fear Lies Just Behind the Mask of Resistance

For me, launching my new website is the equivalent of stepping into a new dimension. An unknown world with unexplored pathways and byways. I have listened to the Siren’s call of the creative self, but where was she leading me?

No longer a lawyer, but not yet supporting myself with my creative endeavors, I have been living for several years in the in-between stage. The dipping-my- toe-in-to-check-the-temperature stage. My new website (professionally designed and executed) represents the no-turning-back point in my career as an “author, a transformational-change speaker/trainer, and Story Alchemist with a PhD in Heart Dancing.”

Am I a lawyer pretending to be an inspirational/motivational writer and speaker? Or am I an inspirational/motivational writer and speak who used to be a lawyer?

Two diverse definitions of identity, composed of the same elements, but with diametrically opposed meaning. The “lawyer pretending to be…” has safety and backups built into the very definition. I can always call myself a “lawyer” and know exactly what that label means to myself and the outside world. I played the attorney role for most of my adult life and I understood its nuances, struggles and triumphs. It was a worn, comfortable pair of jeans that I could slip into at any time. My safety net.

The curse of the professional is that you expect the same results, even when you jump ship from a traditional career into something completely and radically different. For me, the dimension of the creative is a profoundly new and barely explored territory. It has its own rules and dictums, its own definition of success and its own way of being discovered. Instead of looking to external sources for education or mentoring, I have to rely on my interior world to guide me. For a linear-thinking, logically trained attorney, that is terrifying.

Terror is another face of fear, which hides itself as Resistance.

Reading The War of Art while meeting Resistance in real life was very enlightening. I found myself making a game of identifying all of the ways Resistance was showing up.

  • Procrastination
  • Avoidance
  • Endless tirades of doubt
  • Shiny object syndrome

My list continues ad infinitum, but you get the picture. Now I know what game is afoot, and I no longer fall for these ploys or diversions.

How to move through Resistance and dance with fear

Yesterday, I followed a simple process that recognized Resistance but allowed me to move forward. Instead of resisting Resistance (which only seems to give it more power), I acknowledged it as having value. Resistance was showing up for a purpose, and I decided to use it to my advantage.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed (my usual pattern when I resist Resistance), I decided to focus on one small task on my “to do” list. Just one simple thing I could finish in less than thirty minutes. Nothing overwhelming or daunting. When I finished it, I celebrated for a moment, refilled my coffee, and sat down again to finish one more task. Before I knew it, my list was checked off and I had beaten Resistance at its own game.

This morning, as I relished my accomplishments from the day before, it hit me. I learned to dance with fear. Step by step, moment by moment, I allowed my creative self to emerge into time and space. Without judgment or doubt; censure or criticism. I listened to the music of my heart and danced.

Please join me in the Heart Dance. Resistance and fear are really signposts, pointing to the boundaries of your comfort zone. And on the other side of that defined space of familiarity…lies freedom. To discover new aspects of yourself that when expressed, bring deeper meaning to your purpose and existence. And hopefully inspires others to follow your lead.

Heart Dancing – it’s the only way to live!

Mountains are Teachers

Mountains have been on my mind lately – probably because we just came back from a trip to Mt. Rainier in Washington State.

I actually devoted an entire Heart Dancing Radio show to what I learned during that trip.

Please give me feedback – was this 20 minutes useful? Did I give you any new ideas that perhaps made you think about something in your life a bit differently? Did you enjoy the show?

With the digital age, it gives us great freedom to express ourselves. I never thought I would host my own radio show (not in a million years!) But here I am, and I want to get better. So your feedback is very valuable to me.

Way of CreativeI truly am following the truth in myself, but what I don’t know is whether I am winning your heart???

Thank you, dear one, for sharing your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams and most importantly, your time.

I am honored to be here on the planet breathing the same air, hearing the wind and knowing that there is something bigger – for all of us!

Prism of Color

I feel that I missed a color of life, something I should have seen, but cannot.A color just outside the prism of thoughts and beliefs that I know. My inner eye looks around my heart space and does not see it.

But it is there. I can feel it, waiting to burst forth into my awareness like Sun beams of light, stretch just over the edge of the earth to infinity.
Maybe I am the earth, blocking the light of infinity?
You see your life through the lens of your stories. They filter whatever is before you with the meaning you gave to past events. The parade of images inside the mind’s theater is triggered by external data or situations that are similar to what you experienced before. Until you change your stories, you will be blind to the opportunities that always lie before you, waiting to be seen.
To learn more, visit and share your email. In return, I will share my latest ebook about Story Alchemy, a simple process that can transform your pain stories.
From cloudy to clear.
So you see your life through a clean lens.
And be free from the tyranny of your limiting stories.


The following post is a shameless promotion of my latest book, Heart Dancing: A Story Alchemy Adventure.

I just published my interview on Smashwords and thought I would share it with you, my faithful blog followers. If you want to connect with me, please click on one (or more) of the links below. Isn’t it time to dance with life?FrontCoverSmall

Please join me in the Heart Dance:
Smashwords Interview:
Smashwords profile page:

Nothing is Ordinary


In that Breath…Creation Is

What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow.

Our life is the creation of our mind.  — Buddha

What do I want to create today?

Ask yourself that question just after you wake up and you are in that in-between space of dreaming and slipping back into your body. It’s that moment when you could slip back into sleep for a bit longer, or start your day.

Treasure that moment in time, because you are at your most creative in that breath.

Your thoughts are the purist… in that breath.

Your desires and dreams are just a tick away…in that breath.

Your emotions are chosen…in that breath.

So choose well and choose with love.

Breathe in your goodness and light and exhale your acknowledgment of all that is good.

Know that you are supported in whatever you choose…

because the Universe has a crush on you.

Let your day begin!UniverseCrush







Can Pinterest Define Me?

I have a confession to make – it’s not something I am especially proud of, because it seems so trivial and non-productive. When I spend time on this activity, one part of my brain is scolding me that I am wasting time.

“What possible benefit could this have to the world?” that strident voice demands.

I usually just ignore it…but then I realized that I was giving that voice more power by not looking at it. So this post is my attempt to “look at” that insistent message to see if it holds any value to me.

What is my confession? I love Pinterest.  No, that’s not quite accurate — I LOVE PINTEREST! (and I have pinned more than 2,800 items to prove it!)

If you are not familiar with Pinterest, it is a digital vision board. You create different topics and then find pictures, quotes, videos that are saved to that board. I have boards for places I want to visit, favorite foods, things for the home, etc.

But my favorite boards are My Favorite Quotes, Dance with the Divine and Infinite Possibilities. Check them out at

Why does being on Pinterest make me happy? Because I create my boards and pin only those images that speak to me. It is completely and utterly my own creation, and just going through my boards can set the tone for the day.

But that is not all…I have discovered profound insight and wisdom in the pins created by others. For example, check out this pin that has a quote from Jack Canfield of “Chicken Soup” fame:  everything you want

Makes you think, doesn’t it? I could show you so many more pins but why not check it out for yourself? Go to and create an account – then start playing! I guarantee you that you will start singing the “Happy” song as you begin to see the possibilities to have fun. And express yourself. Without judgment or criticism, because Pinterest is just for you.

That strident voice demanding that I stop pinning is no longer heard above a whisper. Whenever I do give it any attention at all, it is with a pin. That usually does the trick!

The Dance of Life

TimesSquareWhat would your life look like if you knew how to dance? Who would you be? How would you express joy and gratitude?  That may sound implausible in the world of recessions, lay offs and The Hunger Games, but that does not mean it is not possible.

Life is a dance, whether you want to admit it or not.  You dance with your ambitions, your family or loved ones; you dance with your demons and your angels; you dance with your worries and fears.  You mind is engaged in an endless dance of “what if” or “why didn’t I just…”

Why not dance with your dreams instead?

“Wait a minute,” you cry in distress.  “How can I dance with my dreams when I am so caught up with my life?”

And that is exactly the problem – what you consider to be “your life.”  Does your definition of life include defined dreams, imagined success and joy mixed together?  If not, then your “life” is somewhat limited and narrowly defined.

Do you look at your life as if you were faced with continual problems and dilemmas? Or do you see your way to more opportunity and adventure? Whatever lens you place on your awareness will filter out everything except for the setting of the lens.  Want more negative things in your life? Then look for the negative.  Want more positive events to occur? Then expect and look for them.  Your focus and vision determines what the lens allows into your awareness.Opportunity

Sometimes you have to take two steps back to move three steps forward (cha-cha, anyone?)  A dance is a fluid movement between many points, in a disciplined way that expresses beauty.  If you encounter an obstacle or don’t move in quite the right way, the dance moves on and soon the mistake is long forgotten.  You join the endless cycle of creation by aligning your thoughts in this way.

In every moment, ask yourself if you want to join the dance of pain or the dance of love.  It is always up to you…and the possibilities are endless for either pain or growth.  When you inquire before you decide, your life will begin to take on a deliberate nature that will soon manifest before your eyes.  The cycle of creation always starts with the “lens” that you choose to look through.

Care to dance?


Please feel free to share this story with as many people as possible. Tweet a link, or better yet, let your friends know on FaceBook.  You may also repost this article, as long as you include the following information:

Kathryn Eriksen is the perfect example of a person who has “awakened” to her own spiritual nature.  Raised in a traditional home, she chose the traditional path of college and a legal career.  After 23 years of practicing law, it slowly dawned on her that life did not have to be filled with competition, adversity and limitations.  A zealous advocate for her clients, Kathryn now uses those same highly developed communication skills, laser beam focus and high octane energy to be an advocate for a much higher client – God!

A published author, Kathryn is the author of Dance with the Divine, A GuiDance Story , available at   An inspirational novel, DWTD tells the story of Haven Hartt, a troubled teenager who must decide if she will chose fear or love when faced with a family crisis.  As you observe Haven’s choices, you will find yourself applying the lessons to your own life.  No matter what your age, “Dance with the Divine” is an uplifting step-by-step guide to forgiving the past and stepping forward into your heritage as a child of God. You will be transformed by the powerful lessons shared of living life as if it were a dance and the Divine was your dance partner.