In my work, I meet fascinating people who are helping others realize their happiness and bliss. In January, I met Miriam Castilla at an event and my life has not been the same.

Miriam is one of those effervescent women who light up the room. Her lovely voice, accented by an Aussie flair, is just one clue to who she is: a woman who has walked through hard times and not only survived, but thrived.Today's Woman

When she looked back over her life and realized how she created a life she loves, Miriam decided to write a book to share her insights with other women. Today’s Woman – Life Balance Secrets is the result, and it is powerful, practical and pragmatic.

Lean in now and listen to our conversation on Heart Dancing Radio, as we talk about life, love and Miriam’s two prong approach to living well.

Heart Dancing – it’s the only way to live! ❤


2015 is My Gutsy Year

Getting gutsy is all about stepping outside your comfort zone to reach your goals and live a life that makes you truly happy. This post is my entry for Jessica Lawlor’s Get Gutsy Essay Contest.

2015 is My Gutsy Year

I am an attorney. There – I admitted it. I practiced law for 23 years, then walked away and thought that I would be able to leave it behind, like an old outfit that no longer fit.

No such luck.  Because I am an attorney and always will be.

But that is not the end of my story. I can now declare with confidence and passion, that “I am an attorney who practices metaphysical techniques and shares what I have learned with others.”

That is the first time I have declared those two ways of being in the same sentence…please give me a minute so I can pause and take a deep breath. Now, it is integrated into my self.

Being an attorney means that I can’t stop myself from analyzing arguments for their logic, applying the rules or laws involved and deciding on an outcome. But I have learned to temper that analysis with something more powerful than man-made law.


When you lead first with love, you discover that your judgments dissolve and the criticism and advice you were about to share changes to encouragement and support. You begin to see your world differently, because you changed your perspective from law toGoal Love love. Connections and unity become the norm rather than the exception.

When your goal is love, love is all you see.

I have two dear friends who both practice family law from the love perspective. They zealously represent their clients in the courtroom, but they also share empowering metaphysical information and techniques that allow the person to move through the pain of divorce into acceptance and healing. Who would have ever thought that could work? But it does, and all of the people involved in each family drama are elevated because of this unique way to practice law.

I did not choose to stay in the legal profession. Instead, I remade myself from the inside out and now choose to step into my life with authenticity, courage and boldness. My books, blog, email newsletters and radio show are all based on the following:

My new mantra is Let. Love. Lead. And I love to dance from the heart. 

To get involved and share your own gutsy story, check out Jessica Lawlor’s website and download a copy of the inspiring Get Gutsy ebook.

Transform Agents Unite!

I have the privilege to be part of an incredible group of authors who have compiled one of the best collections of inspirational ideas, motivational moments and just sheer brilliance in one place.

Just click on the picture to enter a magical place of wonder, magic and joy.


Look for “Heart Dancing” toward the end of the book!

Please share – there is a wealth of wisdom abundance contained between these pages!

Fall in Love with a Book

I have a confession to make. It’s really not a secret, but in today’s world of digital images, my confession may seem old-fashioned or even outdated. I hope that is not true.

Even though I love to surf the ‘net on my iPhone, take videos or listen to the universe of songs available on Spotify, I still carry a deep and abiding love for the printed page. E-readers are convenient and my nightstand is far less cluttered than in the old days, but I still find myself picking up a favorite book and just holding it, treasuring how it made me feel. I can’t quite muster that same connection with my Kindle.

I came across this wonderful video that I wanted to share with everyone who has a love of reading. It may just inspire you to give a physical book this holiday season.

There – I said it. I LOVE BOOKS.

They form some of the steps in my Heart Dance.

Raise your hand if you feel the same way.
