Heart Dancing with a Horse

View More: http://haleykrusephotography.pass.us/lyncarpenterLyn Carpenter has an unusual profession – she is a certified life coach, but she uses horses to guide and heal her clients. It’s hard to believe, but when you hear her describe the incidents where the horses knew exactly what to do, your doubts will disappear.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Lyn and learn more about her passion for this work. I was impressed with her fierce desire to support women in mid-life.

Lyn is certified in the Equine Gestalt Method and firmly believes that horses heal and clean energetic blockages. She describes the process as “the horses take the pain and shame, and they don’t hold on to it. Instead, they drop it in the dirt.”

Lyn and her horses have helped women overcome trauma, abuse and even anxiety. Because of this work, unfinished business from the past was released so they can now live in the present moment.

After listening to this episode of Heart Dancing Radio, please visit Lyn’s website at  BlissfulHeartCoaching.com. Read the testimonials of women who have worked with her to grasp fully the depth of healing that has occurred. As one woman said, “Lyn helped me stand tall again.”

After learning about Lyn’s work, I was hit by a sudden realization.

Working with Lyn Carpenter is like Heart Dancing with a horse!