Fake News

Dear Fake Forgiveness Human:

Fake news has become quite the topic of conversation. It has entered the conversation and tends to stir up strong and passionate feelings.

Did you know that there is also “fake forgiveness”? It’s been around a lot longer than fake news and is just as destructive.

Fake forgiveness is all about you – it circles back on itself. It never releases the hurt or upset; it only ties it up with a big bow so you can pull it out and show your friends.

Real forgiveness is also about you, but it springs from a yearning to learn from the experience, grow and expand into something bigger. It comes from a heartfelt desire to heal as quickly as possible.

Take a moment and look at this chart that shows the differences between fake forgiveness and real forgiveness.

33-Fake vs Real Forgiveness

Consider the times in your life where you thought you forgave the other person, but the hurt and resentment were still there. Can you see now that you were not really forgiving? Tomorrow I will share the secrets that dogs learn at the foot of their mothers.

Tail wagging furiously,


P.S. Why not check out my book, Drop the Leash: Let Go of the Past and Love in the Present? It makes a great Valentine’s Day gift for the dog lovers in your life.

Everyone Has a Backstory

Dear Back Story Human:

No one knows the other person’s backstory 100%. And most of the time, we never know the details of that person’s perspective or how they perceive the present moment.

Dogs don’t have this problem because we see the best in the person and don’t worry about their past. Humans hang onto their past and don’t see the person, as they are in the present moment.

That is why forgiveness is so important. You never forgive because the other person deserves it. You forgive because it releases you from the past and allows you to be present, right here. When you don’t forgive, you remain anchored to that painful event, and you miss all of the beauty and grandeur of the present moment.

Humans have been called “meaning making machines.” When something happens, you will create a story about that event. A story is the meaning that you assign to a situation, person or event about what it means to you. That story becomes the filter for the next moment.

Dogs love unconditionally, in the here and now. Dogs don’t know forgiveness, because to a dog, there is nothing to forgive. To a human, everything is a call to forgiveness.

Dogs stepped into the light of the campfire all those centuries ago to remind humans of a grander vision of life. We know how to live in bliss, happiness, and joy. Humans have forgotten, but with our help, you can remember and join us in the Heart Dance.

I know

You can be the person your dog thinks you are.

Love you tons,


P.S.  If you have never started or been able to practice a daily meditation and journal ritual, I may have the solution. Click over to 21 Day Heart Dancing Challenge and join their email list. You will receive a daily email with a short lesson, a meditation, journaling prompts and intention setting tools. It could be the start of a life-long journey!

Dear Stubborn Human:

I am called the “Drop the Leash Dog” because I teach a simple concept to humans, that dogs know instinctively. And the leash is the metaphor that fits.

When you walk your dog, you have a physical connection with him. The leash is attached to his collar or harness and you are on the other end, holding on and directing the walk.

Humans don’t live with leashes around their necks. Instead, they place a leash on their minds. Habitual thinking about past events erupt in the present moment, coloring what is happening right now. When humans assign a meaning to the event or to themselves, that acts as a filter on the current moment.

Don’t believe me? When was the last time you thought to yourself, “Oh, there you go again! You are so clumsy (or stupid, fat, a waste, etc.).” A past memory was triggered and the meaning that you assigned to yourself was used in the present moment to confirm the meaning.

Are you starting to catch a glimpse of who is holding your leash?

Dogs don’t hold onto the past. If my master steps on my tail because she didn’t see me, I will let her know that it hurt, but not one second later, I will be loving her again. I am back in the present moment almost instantly.

Which approach is happier and more peaceful? The human trait of stubbornness holds the leash in a death grip, determined to prove that the meaning given is correct. Who does that hurt the most?

Take a look in the mirror for the answer.

I may sound as if I am berating you for being human. I know that humans and dogs are different in so many ways, but one thing I know for sure. Dogs are Masters at staying in love…in every moment. It’s why we’re here, living with you. To remind you that you can choose to do the same.

Remind You

You can become the person your dog knows you are.

Love you tons,


P.S.  Why not check out my book, Drop the Leash: Let Go of the Past and Love in the Present? It makes a great Valentine’s Day gift for the dog lovers in your life.

What is Your Definition of Love?


let-love-leadShakespeare described love as a “many splendored thing,” which is like calling New York City a “place where a lot of people live.” Love is such an elusive concept that we are forced to look at the external ways we love to describe the internal emotion.

For example, how many ways is love defined on Valentine’s Day? Look at the messages that are posted on that day, and you will find phrases like, “I love you to pieces,” “You complete me,” or even a comparison with a beloved pet, such as “I love you as much as my dog loves me.”

What is it about love that is so hard to grasp? Instead of defining love from the outside-in, why not try a different approach?

A New Way to Look at Love

Take a moment and ask yourself, “What is my definition of love?” Write down the first thoughts that pop into your mind. You may have thought about something that someone did for you or an act of kindness that you gave to someone else. Look at what you wrote down and see if these words sprang from your mind.

The mind is influenced by the messages from the external world. Commercialism, consumerism, and consumption all create an impact on your definition of love. Don’t believe me? Take a look around, and you might spot these messages that are motivated by the need to buy:

“Buy this diamond ring to show her how much you love her.”

“Show someone how much you love them. Give them ______.” (the blank is filled in by what is being advertised).

“When you love someone, show them how much.” (the implication is to buy that product, and it will convey your love for you).

These are love’s definitions of the intellect or mind.

There is another way to see love. It comes from the quiet, still space inside, where words do not live. This space is where your knowing resides, that sense of connection to something much bigger than you. This is your being, your essence, the center of you.

Let’s try to discover your definition of love from that place of being.

Sit quietly, close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Allow your body to sink into the chair and melt. Your mind quiets as you continue to breathe. When you are ready, allow the answer to “What is love?” to rise from your heart. Don’t question what comes up, just sit in receiving and continue to breathe.

You will know when you have your answer. In fact, it is that knowingness that you connect with each time you enter this calm, still space. See if you can’t feel the quality of that knowingness, the energy that fills up that space.

While you are in that energy, do you feel loved? Do you feel accepted? Do you feel whole and complete? The answer to these questions is obvious because this is the energy you came from, where you were created and where you will return once your body has finished doing its job.

Moving Forward

When you have connected to that knowing energy, love no longer needs to be defined. It simply is who-you-are. Love is your teacher and gently shows you how to navigate in the world. No longer of the world, you are aware of how much bigger a life you can live from love.

Love does not see with the eyes of judgment, doubt or fear. It does not hold expectations of others that cause you pain when those expectations go unmet. Love does not wait to give or receive. It just IS.

One way to stay in touch with the IS-ness of love is to meditate every day. Spend time in the still place within, and you will discover that you will show up differently in the outside world. No longer concerned about the opinions of others, no longer sensitive to being overlooked or not enough, your relationships and circumstances will change.

Make a note of how people respond to you differently. Those who are critical or judgmental will fall away because you are no longer accepting their negative energy. Doubt and fear of your own value and abilities are distant memories. You show up as a wholehearted, centered human being.

As you notice these differences in yourself, your relationships and your world, it will dawn on you:

When you become the embodiment of love, you are enough.

Because in the end, YOU are the definition of love! You are the one to express love to the world in the unique way that only you can accomplish. You are the embodiment, heart, and soul of love.

Bio:  A Mindfulness & Enneagram Teacher, Kathryn Eriksen has led the life of the intellect (as a lawyer) and discovered that happiness could not be bought, acquired or achieved. Please join Kathryn in a 3 day video course called “The Heart Dancing  Mini-Course” and become part of the Heart Dancing Tribe!


This Song Called Life

Life is the deep current moving through everything that is born, lives and dies. It is the energy of the Universe, circling through it all, weaving a silken thread of connection between the living and the unseen. Life is what unites us during our experiences inside time and space.

the-song-of-lifeWhat is the Song of Life?

You know it when you allow yourself to feel it. It has no language of its own, no agenda to achieve. It just is.

Allowing the Song of Life to play can be a challenge. As humans, we want to mold Life in our image, shifting and turning it to fit our expectations and desires. But Life is immutable, indestructible and illusive to control.

We want to write the music when our role is to dance.

So what are we to do with the Song of Life? How do we manage our desire to control with Life’s innate ability to slip away in unpredictable directions?

You surrender to the energy that is greater than you.

You allow the Universal energy to flow through your life, guiding you with gentle nudges and subtle clues.

You accept that you are part of Life, but Life is bigger than you. You did not create Life. Life created you.

Once you shift your relationship with Life, an interesting process happens. Your fears, anxieties and concerns drop away. You can’t control Life, so why worry about the drama your mind created to separate you from Life?

Another benefit to releasing control is that you see others from a different perspective. Instead of judging their words or actions, you see through the lens of grace. You assume that they are doing the best they can in this moment of their awareness. And you hold the space for them to experience Life, through you.

As you allow Life to flow through you in this human form, you recover your connection to the Universe. It was there all along, but your desire to control set up a barrier. That wall is gone and you now begin to hear the hymn of the angels.

Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Breathe in the song of Life. Breathe out your expectations, judgment and concerns. Repeat and step into your greatness as Life’s dance partner, knowing you are safe, protected and loved. Allow the song of Life to lead you and you will never lose your way again.

It’s just another step in the Heart Dance 🙂

What Does Your Dog Know (that you forgot)

Ever notice that your dog returns to love much faster than you? When your dog gets his feelings hurt (if you don’t believe dogs have feelings, this is the point where you jump to another blog post), he will instantly return to adoration the minute you make amends.

Do you do that – return to love after you release the hurt? Or do you hang onto your hurt and nurse it like a cold beverage on a hot day?

Drop the Leash3The more I paid attention to my dog, the more I realized that I could learn a lot about being love. That is why I decided to write, Drop the Leash: Let Go of the Past and Love in the Present.

The analogy of a leash hits home with many people. It’s one thing to put the leash on your dog to restrain him; quite another when you effectively “leash” your own growth because of your past, limiting stories.

One reader proclaimed that “This book will quickly become a standard ‘training manual’ in many circles…I have already begun flipping my view of the world…”

Drop the Leash is a tongue-in-cheek guide written by a human, as told by a dog, about the dog’s observations of humans. Playful, satirical and wise, the narrator is a sassy dog named Avatar who tells it like it is.

Another person suggested that “If we follow the loving examples of dogs, we can play and experience joy as we were meant to. This story truly touches the heart and a must read for anyone on a spiritual journey.”

To learn more about the book (and see my other products), please visit KathrynEriksen.com.

It’s just another step in the Heart Dance <3.

How to Discover the Secret Sauce of Life

Abundance is not something we acquire; it’s something we tune into. – Wayne Dyer

Last summer, we decided to go rafting on the Arkansas River. The water was flowing well from the snow melt and there were several rapids that were rated at a Level 4. I’m not sure that that means except to say that the ride was more thrilling than I imagined.

Rafting1After Randy, the guide, trained us to paddle at his signal, we took off. There was no effort required by us to move down the river – it simply carried us in the flow while the guide chose the direction.

Until we hit our first rapid. His barked commands to the left side of the raft to “pull forward” while the right side was to “pull back” had us scrambling to comply. We were no longer tourists enjoying the experience…we were actually helping create the experience.

We cheered when we were on the other side of the turbulent water, feeling quite accomplished. I glanced back at Randy and he was smiling, knowing that there was more to come.

It came much sooner than I anticipated. Randy began barking again and we pulled or pushed as hard as we could. But it wasn’t enough. The raft turned sideways and we “high sided.”

When Randy casually mentioned at the beginning of the trip that “we never want to high side,” I didn’t know what he meant. Now, with tons of snow melt forcing us against a huge boulder to the point that the right side of the boat was climbing up the hard surface, I understood. I was sitting on the left side and people were crashing into me.

Randy stayed calm and managed somehow to get us off that boulder. None of us fell into the river but we all had a great story to tell. We experienced the power of the water and survived.

What does a Rafting Story Have to do with Abundance?

I shared that story with you to set up the following metaphor:

  • abundance is like the water that flows whether you are aware of it or not;
  • you are on the Abundant River, choosing your direction in every moment;
  • no matter how hard you try, sometimes you can’t miss the boulder;
  • when you run into a boulder, you always have a choice…to give up or get up.

Abundance is available to every person living on this planet. Abundance means so much more than money or possessions. The concept of abundance changes with each individual, according to their needs and desires. Think of abundance as a mindset that you practice every day, until it becomes how you think.

Living the Abundance Mindset

How do you learn the Abundance Mindset? It all begins with your thoughts, beliefs and the stories you tell yourself. When you think you are abundance, you will see more of that. When you believe you are poor (however you define it), that is all you will see. The key here is to become aware of your thoughts, beliefs and stories, then deliberately and consistently transform scarcity into abundance.

Abundance is there, waiting for you to be part of it. It is there for anyone and everyone, no matter your background, culture or abilities. If you are breathing and you can think – you can have abundance. Because it all begins in your mind, then moves to your heart.

Three Simple Steps

Step 1: Surrender to the fact that you cannot control the outcome; you can only direct the flow. When we sat down in that raft and began our adventure, none of us know how it would turn out. We basically surrendered to the power of the river, but we did impact it by our own efforts.

Step 2: Pay attention to the abundance that is already in your life. Gratitude is a powerful attitude that keeps you in the energy flow. When you are grateful what for you already have, a door opens in your mind to accept even more abundance. As you shift your thinking to appreciation, you will notice more things to appreciate. Your heart will come alive with the energy of gratitude, and something will shift inside of you.

Step 3: When you hit the boulder of fear, remember that it is just part of the journey. It may not be what you expected or anticipated, but when you can see fear as “Forgetting to Express Abundant Reality,” you can choose to move around or through it. You never have to stay high-sided, unless that is your choice.

The Secret Sauce in Abundance

As you move into an abundant mindset, you will notice that the world seems brighter, you laugh more and you worry less. You may discover that you no longer see other people as barriers to what you desire. Giving becomes as easy as receiving and you see your life with different eyes.

Instead of grasping for abundance, you become tuned in.

What is the Secret Sauce? It’s hidden in the very letters that make up the word “Abundance.” Do you see it? Can you feel it?


When you have cultivated an Abundance Mindset, you dance with life. You allow the energy of abundance to flow through you and you choose how to express it in your thoughts and daily activities. Happiness becomes the norm instead of the exception.

Fair warning: You may dance when no one is watching!

To join me in my dance of abundance, please visit KathrynEriksen.Nerium.com. Anti-aging skin care and mind supplements. Real products. Real science. Real results.

Can you Communicate this Way?

I didn’t know what to expect when I first met Joanna Hennon. She calls herself a Soul Wisdom Mentor and helps her clients communicate with their intuition. She channels her own wisdom as she guides her clients to discover their own. The end result is a life filled with joyful awareness, trust and inner wisdom.

Joanna Hennon

I have to admit…I was somewhat skeptical. Until I heard her describe her work. Then I was hooked. You can actually feel her joy!

Listen to our conversation and make your own decision about a life guided by intuition…or the ego. It’s another step in the Heart Dance:-)

Visit Joanna Hennon at CreateYourWorld.me.


Do this today and discover your bliss.


Relationships are a Container of Discovery

When you are in a relationship, it appears that you and the other person, object (or even a concept) is outside of you and separate. Continue reading